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The World of Ozryn

Black Crystal Ocean, Blood Tear Ocean, Shadow Mist Ocean

In this world there are 6 countries. Stormhelm is directly in the center of them all. Stormhelm's ally is Eos. The enemies are Norfolk and Hogsfeet. Staying nutural there is Thelessa, Ashborne and the Shadow Atoll connecting to Ashborne.

Stormhelm Counties & Temperatures

Stormhelm is mostly temperate with 4 seasons. Costal areas are Tropical

Seasons : Spring, Summer, Autumn (Fall), Winter


Stormhold : The capital of Stormhelm. Temperate in climate, the most populated county. Home of Stormhold Castle and Castle Town. It contains the only major port and handles the most trade. The Royal Bazaar is located here. The land is Flat with some dense woodlands and rolling hills that stretch out beyond the county line.


Chillis : The bread basket of Stormhelm, most of the agriculture is done here. Whatever isn't farmland is a maze of caves. Miners dig for Ice Crystal (where the county gets its name), Iron ore, Blood Stone, copper, gold,  and other basic and valuable ores. The Farmlands on the boarder with Stormhold is more of the same rolling hills. The land further out is rocky and has a slight chill.


Aconite : Contains the Midnight River which separates into two main halves . The south half is a deep woodland area called the Whispering Woods. On either side of the river is a desert called the Golden Sun Desert. The Upper part is more temperate. 

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